How do ultrasonic scalers work?

Ultrasonic scalers are used to remove calculus rapidly from the tooth surface. The scaling tip vibrates in the ultrasonic range of 20-45 kHz. Most of the scaling power is available at the tip, which is cooled with a jet of water.

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A good quality ultrasonic scaler allows Hygienist to thoroughly remove calculus from your teeth in a way that is very gentle, producing minimal or no damage to your teeth and tooth roots which is critical.

Part of the purpose of a hygiene treatment is to leave your tooth surfaces nice and smooth:  the smoother the surface, the harder it is for plaque biofilms to re-attach themselves. Ultrasonic scalers also create shock waves that disrupt bacteria biofilms. This allows the plaque bacteria and calculus can be therapeutically flushed from the teeth by a small jet of water or antibacterial mouthwash which is emitted from near the top of the scaler.

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